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Our Team 

Dean T. Johnson

President & Founder, The Sandy Johnson Foundation

Dean T. Johnson began the efforts of promoting safe roadways in the fall of 2002, soon after the unnecessary deaths of his wife and mother-in-law at an intersection once ranked the eighth most dangerous intersection in the State of Ohio.


Mr. Johnson has made presentations to individuals and groups that include teens, highway officials, and the general public in order to promote a greater understanding of the primary cause of most vehicle crashes, Driver Conditioning. Through his efforts, a deeper understanding of this naturally occurring phenomenon has led to the modification of some highway locations resulting in a reduced crash rate at those locations.

Annika Sidhu

Board Member, The Sandy Johnson Foundation


Bruce Hamilton is the Managing Director of the Roadway Safety Foundation (RSF). Bruce is responsible for day-to-day oversight of Foundation activities and execution of its grants and cooperative agreements. This includes developing and managing programs that promote safer road design, educating road users, and sharing best practices with transportation officials and community leaders to aid in reducing traffic fatalities through infrastructure enhancements.


Hamilton holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in International Relations from Tufts University and a Master of Public Health degree from the George Washington University's Milken Institute.  He previously worked at the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, the U.S. State Department's Foreign Service Institute, and as a Program Assistant at RSF, during which time he authored the current version of the Roadway Safety Guide.

Board Member, The Sandy Johnson Foundation

Bruce Hamilton

Marissa Kunerth

Annika Sidhu is currently pursuing her Masters in Healthcare Administration at Minnesota State University Moorhead. She works full-time for United Health Group in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area. A proud Bison, Annika holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Health Communication from North Dakota State University. Annika has a deep passion for the health and safety of others in her community. She was a 2018 & 2019 Traffic Safety Scholar Scholarship recipient for the Lifesavers Conference. During college, she served as a Youth Media Correspondent Advisor, a Tire Safety Ambassador, and guest speaker at the 2018 National Coalition meeting all through the National Organizations for Youth Safety. As a grateful survivor of a car crash, in January of  2018, this passion for safety has only grown stronger.


In her free time, Annika enjoys serving others in her community, traveling the world and golfing. 


Bruce Hamilton is the Director of Safety and Research Programs at the Roadway Safety Foundation (RSF), a non-profit organization located in Washington, DC. Together with its highway safety partners, RSF is committed to achieving a world free of traffic deaths and serious injuries, and focuses its efforts on promoting a safe systems approach that ensures protections for all road users. Prior to joining RSF, Hamilton served as the Manager of Research and Communications with the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, and as a training coordinator with the U.S. Department of State. He has a BA in International Relations from Tufts University, and is working toward a Master of Public Health from the George Washington University.

Marissa Kunerth

Board Member, The Sandy Johnson Foundation

Marissa Kunerth is a graduate of North Dakota State University and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Strategic Communication. Her interest and dedication for transportation safety first began as an eighth-grade student where Marissa’s classmate was impacted by a life-changing distracted driving crash.


Marissa quickly acted and combined her passions of communication and transportation safety to be a voice for youth and advocate of change. She has experience serving as a United States Department of Transportation Communications-Marketing Intern, National Traffic Highway Safety Administration Lifesavers Traffic Safety Scholar, National Organizations for Youth Safety Youth Correspondent Advisor and Peer Mentor, and a Youth Service America and State Farm Road Safety Ambassador.


Marissa currently works as a Public Relations and Communications Manager for Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) in Washington, D.C.


© 2024 by The Sandy Johnson Foundation: Making our Roads Safer. 

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