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Free Programs



'The Hidden Dangers of Driving' Online Course

While most driver training programs focus on teaching young drivers the operational skills needed to maneuver a vehicle through traffic, and provides an understanding of the laws applicable to highway use, as they should, this program is quite different. In this course, we focus entirely on the mental aspect of driving, which includes a focus on thought, human behavior, visual failings, decision-making, and consequences. In short, we focus on the consequences of Driver Conditioning—the underlying cause of nearly all vehicular crashes.

Driver Conditioning: The Unexpected Killer
by Dean T. Johnson
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The publication 'Driver Conditioning: The Unexpected Killer' is a written substitute for the online driver’s education course, The Hidden Dangers of Driving'. This book focuses entirely on the mental aspect of driving, which includes a focus on thought, human behavior, visual failings, decision-making, and consequences. The book focuses on the consequences of Driver Conditioning—the underlying cause of nearly all vehicular crashes.This resource was created for those without access to the internet or other electronic means. 

Attend A Workshop or Event
Clark County Combined Health District Presentation

7/11/2019, 09:30 AM

The Sandy Johnson Foundation 
National Advocacy Ambassador Program

Beginning in the Fall 2019, The Sandy Johnson Foundation will be launching an advocacy initiative for high school students to encourage the correction of dangerous intersections and traffic concerns in local communities. Guided by the Sandy Johnson Foundation highway safety resources, students will host town hall meetings, conversations with state highway safety officials, local businesses, and national safety organizations to recognize Driver Conditioning and encourage immediate action to correct these intersections.

Danger on the Highway
by Dean T. Johnson
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A guide for motorists and highway officials concerned with improving highway safety. It details The Sandy Johnson Foundation Highway Safety Initiative and explains how a slight modification in the thinking of motorists and highway officials could potentially save 10's of thousands of lives across the country, annually. In addition, implementation of this program could save individual state governments millions of dollars each year in unnecessary time delays and un-warranted construction. The program was developed by Dean Johnson after he performed an investigation into the cause of the automobile crash that killed his wife Sandy. Applying the same principles he used to determine the cause of that crash, Mr. Johnson discovered that other dangerous locations could be identified, analyzed and corrected with the same positive results. This book is a MUST READ for all motorists and highway officials.

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